Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Thank You, Baby!

Mandy, thank you baby for holding still for this picture.  Oh, wait, you weren't still - I had to hold your precious face!

This is a non-gross (is that even a word?) picture of Mandy's new forehead.  That little part that looks red is where it is.  It's just not pretty yet.
This is the last time I have to buzz her hair.  Now we can let it grow and do a comb over.  Or a Donald Trump look.  Hmm

Just a few Thank You Girl Baby Cards for an auction for the high school.

The topper for the cellophane bag I put them in.
2 Things:
1- I am not sure if you can see it, but the paper is very glittery.  It's so girly!
2- I learned how to put my name and copyright at the bottom on my new mac.
(Proud of me!)

1 comment:

  1. Love these cards, Elizabeth! Mandy's forehead doesn't look too bad in that picture, what a sweetie she is. give her a hug for me.
